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Stop Misleading False Advertising, Out right lies, Coca Cola,and lobbyists in Washington disguised as Politicians.

Updated on April 15, 2014

Lies, Lying, Liars and passing the blame

passing the buck
passing the buck | Source
business men lying
business men lying
individuals lying
individuals lying
there is YOUR version - then there is the truth
there is YOUR version - then there is the truth
business men lying
business men lying
politicians lying and deceiving - a double whammy
politicians lying and deceiving - a double whammy

Lies and Misnomers

Lies, false statements and suspicious innuendos seem to be at the very heart of our society today.

Rampant GREED seems to be the only motivating factor in our world today.

It is time for a change.

It is time for the truth.

Is there ANY truth left any where in this world?

We are lied to, misled, and misrepresented constantly - day in and day out - all day long.

Everyone has something to "sell" you, usually misrepresenting and always lying about what they are selling.

Television ads are 95% lies and 5% misrepresentations. They are written on the 6th grade level of mentality, {this is the mentality level of 99.9% of high school graduates, and 50% of college graduates these days}.

A few examples to make my point:

1. Coca Cola ads state - the 'original' formula.

Total lie. The original formula had some cocaine in it and high fructose corn syrup (its main ingredient), and hydrogenated oils were not even heard of back then.

2. Vonage phone service - Showing new users crumpling up a piece of paper and stating: ''this is my last phone bill before switching to Vonage.''

That statement is, in itself, true, but misleading (misrepresentation). It implies that there will be no more phone bills by the previous provider after switching to Vonage, other than theirs.

Fact: Vonage only works with an existing land phone and a computer. You may only require the basic phone line into your home to run your computer and the Vonage attachment, but none the less you will still receive a bill from you basic phone provider.

They advertise only $14.99 a month. Again misleading, as they increase their charges annually. (After 3 years of service my Vonage bill was more that the original land line phone provider's bill with unlimited calling).

It is almost impossible to cancel this service, and you will never get to speak with a live person, as they do not provide you with a customer service number or technician.

3. Insurance ad by "repeal it" -

which is owned by the insurance conglomerates and corporate America.

They state that this "Obama care" bill was crammed through and was not wanted by the majority of the American public.

100% lies and misleading comments by some of those idiots in Washington and aspiring republican rising stars.

This 'health care plan' has nothing to do with health care at all. It is called "the affordable health bill". It puts restrictions on insurance companies and stops discrimination against who can get insurance at all, and who can get insurance coverage paid for, when it is needed. Nothing more - nothing less.

The fact is that this is the best legislature that regulates insurance coverage costs that actually protects the American people instead of the insurance companies.

The efforts, by the GOP, to repeal this law will only benefit the insurance companies and give them protection under the law to continue to overcharge, discriminate, and protect their massive profits and big bonuses all at the expense of the American people.

The claims by the GOP are misrepresented, half truths, and paid for by the corporations that bought them (republican/tea party members) to act as their mouthpiece in Washington. Neither the GOP nor the insurance companies are acting in the best interest of the American people.

Ads hitting the air waves for the GOP 2012 (now the 2016) Presidency campaign - verbally discriminating and discrediting our President, is a travesty unto itself.

It does not matter the party representing the USA, there should be some common decency regarding the use of innuendos, half truths, lies and this incessant negative campaigning that has enraptured our nation.

We have now become a negative representative government for the citizens of the USA, and certainly NOT a shining example for the rest of the world, as they view this awful (hateful) phenomenon with disgust and bemusement.

Politicians spew campaign promises that mean nothing, say nothing, promise everything, but deliver nothing, or just the opposite of what those promises are.

The 2 party system

We still have a two party system, but their goals have changed:

1. Democrats who represent the people with promises of progress toward improving the lives of the middle and low classes.

2. Republicans who represent corporate America and the wealthy class who promise those benefactors deregulation, lower taxes, and more power to exploit the people and their government.

3. Big business, large corporations, or monopolies, have absolutely NO interest in the American people, or the people of any other nation.

They have NO vested interest in equal rights, health care coverage for anyone, or even health care delivery itself.

They have no vested interest in clean air, clean water, or safe food supplies.

They have NO vested interest in alternative fuels to rid ourselves of foreign dependence, or dependence of petroleum at all.

There is not enough profit incentive to be made in alternative fuels.

These giants have only their own interests as their number one priority. Their foremost objectives are:

  • cheap labor at any cost to the employee,
  • no fringe benefits what so ever,
  • no restrictions on them what so ever,
  • no worker safety regulations
  • removal of anything else that stands in the way of TOTAL CONTROL
  • a guaranteed clear pathway to exploitation toward their ultimate quest - their equivalent to God, what they will always lie, cheat, steal and kill for: their net profits.

After the recent nuclear power melt down in Japan, the US government put a ban on imports from Japan due to the excessive radiation exposure there; after their nuclear power plant disaster following the Tsunami following the earth quake.

The only reason why am mentioning that disaster in this hub, is to present the argument that this ban by the government will in no way stand in the way of profits being made on the importing of Japanese foods.

It is a token gesture to appease the fears of the American people, so they will continue to buy the imported goods, in spite of the health risk factor to those people who eat those foods.

No-one really believes that any government ban will stop the making of these profits by corporate America.

Do not believe for one minute that the corporate America, for one second, entertained, or considered the thought of, actually taking this loss of revenue by not importing these tainted goods.

The 'potential' 'possible' loss of a few thousand lives after eating this tainted food, is merely considered "collateral damages" when measured against the preservation of those holy net profit margins.

Republicans and theirTea Party members have no shame and no intentions of helping anyone in this country except those who paid their way to Washington.

The sheep mentality continues

While the middle east struggles to overcome oppression, dictatorships, despots, theocracy and autocracy, the U.S. is implementing all these concepts, starting on the state level, without any challenge from the American people. Amazing as this may seem, it is fact.

We are so completely sheep like and brainwashed into accepting anything this government and our religious institutions dole out. This American behavior is truly as pathetic as the American people are apathetic.

There is NO WAY i will ever believe that these people in Washington were legally elected into these positions by 'sane' American people.

SOMEBODY please re-count those ballots -

OH, WAIT - we can no longer do that. We are at the mercy of those electronic voting machines (you remember the ones that our government promised would be 'honest' and 'true' votes).

We are now at the mercy of the concept of 'honest electronic vote' elections.

What fools we are.

What a joke on the people.

There are NO honest politicians remaining, or are in such a minority that their presences are totally irrelevant.

Tea Party Mentality

Conspiracy no longer just a theory

I have added a video that you must view in order to understand the ramifications of my words.

The wonderful State of Maine is now being assaulted and victimized by the New Republican Tea Party Regime. This has got to stop. Where are those "honest" government overseers? This is no longer a conspiracy "theory". There will be no more elections "by the people" and/or what we used to know as "the popular vote". Our future elections depend solely upon who has the best computer hackers that can change the total results the fastest.

When Americans rise up against the government here in the U.S. who will stop our government from "shooting the protesters" or arresting anyone who speaks out against this new regime?

For years we have stood by silent and watched oppression progress around the world and said, or did, nothing to stop it or help the oppressed. Now it is our turn - who will stand up for the U.S. now? There is no-one left to care.

When the American Republicans' ordinary citizens finally realize that their party has disintegrated into a regime for the sole purpose of promoting and protecting the wealthy, it will be too late for any of us to recover from it.

By that time, there will be only the two classes remaining: The minority (the wealthy and privileged) and the rest of us (their slaves). What other country will come to OUR rescue then?

I would rather be proven a "crackpot" who is paranoid and wrong; than to have our children, and theirs, become 'what i preach about' just to prove that i am right.

Power over the people

Silly but true

My two examples in the beginning of my daily rant, about the phone company, coca cola, etc.., may seem silly, out of place, and inappropriate in this article; but if you can even think that, there may be hope for us yet.

It is an example of how the government and corporate America; wall street and your religions, lead us down nonsensical pathways, of mundane problems and unimportant social issues, to mask their real agendas.

They create a smoke screen which everyone is "talking and arguing about", so we will not 'see', or even 'notice', what they are doing behind our backs, and in secret meetings behind closed doors that will affect our lives for years to come.

We must wake up the world, and look beyond our noses, and our own small insignificant agendas, at what is behind that smoke screen.

We must all take pause and look at the BIG picture for a change, and believe me when i tell you that "God" has nothing to do with their agenda; nor will "anyone's" God swoop down from heaven to rescue us from their evil doings.

We are totally on our own and at the mercy of the plutocratic and theocratic minorities.

by: d.william 03/29/2011


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