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Religious Conservative view of Gays. And why they are wrong.

Updated on March 24, 2018

Walk a mile in my shoes

Is it right for organizations to continue promoting hatred and intolerance as a way of life?

Trying to maintain superiority and control over others certainly does not promote peace and harmony.

Who really has any right to judge another person anyway?

Does anyone have the right to judge and promote hatred against others?

There are many reasons why anyone saying "yes" to this question, needs more guidance than those who accept what God has given them to bear.

We must all learn to 'metaphorically' "walk a mile in someone else's shoes" before judging them without logical rhyme or reason.

Who has the right to Judge others?

Remember that when you point a finger to judge someone, there are four of your fingers pointing back at you.
Remember that when you point a finger to judge someone, there are four of your fingers pointing back at you. | Source

A Lack of Understanding

Homosexuals are born , not created from any psychological, emotional or physical trauma, or by "choice" of an 'alternative' life style. These are the allegations of the ignorant and misinformed.

Suppose for one minute things were in reverse:

All heterosexuals were suddenly inferior, hated, beaten up, killed, fired from their jobs, kicked out of their rented homes, denied the right to visit their loved ones in the hospital, shunned by society and all the other things that are being done to homosexuals today.

And all these things being done to them by those with the audacity to state that it is God's will for them to do so?

I can not imagine there being a creator that advocates hatred that so consumes those who practice it in his/her name.

Then to be told your "condition" is a sin against God and you will go to hell for it.

BUT you have the choice to be what you are not.

You are then told you must only have intimate relations with another person of the opposite gender.

Would you find this unbearable? distasteful? repugnant? cruel? inhumane? Or acceptable?

Acceptable?. I think not.

The gift of empathy allows us to be able to imagine being born gay into a world that does all those things to you and even more - and then to have these attacks on you sanctioned, and even encouraged, by your religion, your 'friends', your family members, your employers, and your government.

How would you cope with all of that bigotry and hatred?

•Pretend you were something you were not?

•Pray to your God to somehow miraculously transform your physical make up into something it isn't just to fit in?

•Or simply commit suicide just to get away from all that pain?

Now, ask yourself this question:

Would any heterosexual consciously choose a lifestyle that has so much negative stigma, hatred and violence, mental anguish and physical pain, social ostracism, etc, etc.. attached to it?

This is a rhetorical 'fools question' to emphasize the trauma and ignorance that gay people face every day of their lives.

Making a choice

Does anyone really believe this is a life choice?

Ignorance is NOT bliss, in spite of the ill informed who believe it is so.

Hatred is not pretty. Nor is it a virtue.

Judging others and destroying their life for being born what one is meant to be, is not Christian, saintly, or Godly, in any fashion.

I would be willing to bet that any gay person would be more than happy to have you just to [walk a mile in their shoes] before you judge what you do not choose to understand.

The "shame on you" is not to those people who have no choice in life, because of who they were born to be - the "shame on you" is to those people that DO have the choice of understanding, compassion and knowing how hateful and cruel they are being and still doing it to other human beings in spite of that knowledge.

A sense of Pride

The judges of others and the hate mongers seem to find some sense of pride in their attacks on others who they do not know, or understand.

A few questions to ponder before passing judgment on others:

  • Does this hatred give you a sense of pride?
  • A sense of power?
  • A sense of justice?
  • A sense of personal satisfaction?
  • Do you kick your dog?
  • Do you beat your kids?
  • Do you abuse your spouses?
  • Do you really think your God condones this hatred and hurtfulness that you inflict on people you know nothing about?
  • Do you think your God is proud of this behavior?
  • Do you think your God loves you all the more for your hateful cruelty?

If your God is of the underworld, then the answer is probably "Yes".

If your God is the Creator of all that is good - I doubt it very much.

I am sure that the true 'God of love' weeps for all the cruelty that mankind inflicts upon itself in this world.

If your cruelty toward others is your shield against your own misgivings about yourself, i can assure you that this continued abuse will NOT erase those doubts or desires from your subconscious mind.

Assigning blame

If I had the power to dole out punishment for this cruelty that anyone inflicts on others?

It would be that each of those abusers be forced to return to this planet and endure the same pain that they are inflicting on others. This would be true Cosmic Karma atonement.

Or that their children be born gay, so they could see first hand what they have done to others as they witness the abuse that their gay child must endure for their lifetime because of religious ignorance.

At the very least, we must all try to make some attempt to live as Christ supposedly preached:

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

Live your own lives, appreciate what blessings you have, and be happy.

Do not judge others, lest ye be willing to be judged in return.

by: d.william 10/24/10

Promoting Hatred by Religious Groups

Church lies to gain control over people

End Marriage Discrimination Now.


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